Update: NO more giraffe hair products:
The information below is still relevant for customers who have some of our older products, but now we have transitioned full to artificial elephant hair and artificial giraffe hair. We actually don’t distinguish between them as we use a size that could have been from either the tail of an elephant or a giraffe.
We are careful to call it “artificial” and not “synthetic” because if you are precise you know that synthetic means created in a lab or factory by some process. But artificial means there was some further processing by hand to make the product even more realistic.
So if you are looking for giraffe hair knot bracelets please see artificial elephant hair knot bracelets. Same if you are looking for giraffe hair knot pendants or earrings, please see artificial elephant hair pendants or earrings.
About Giraffe Hair:
While some manufacturers are still using elephant hair in their jewelry, the elephant continues to be a protected species even as poachers and hunters continue to cherish shooting “big game”. Elephant hair products may not be legally exported from South Africa nor imported into any western country that subscribes to the CITES treaty (this includes most nations of the world).
Giraffe, on the other hand, are seldom of interest to anyone (except kids in the zoo) and giraffe hair may be exported worldwide on a permit free basis once it has been processed to a final product And you may have noticed how giraffe graze at the top of those big thorn trees. Leaving lots of tough neck hairs in the trees. Notice also the long hair at the end of the tail that often gets caught in the trees and bushes.
Just like they have for hundred of years, bush rangers and trackers in Africa’s nature preserves collect this loose hair, as well as any from animals that die of old age. Instead of making their own crafts from it, they now bring it to town where it is chemically treated. Using a good leather tanning process, it is preserved with a 5% formalin spray, and then cleaned in special soaps, washed and dried. When fully treated (as are all the products sold here) it has no strange smell and is completely safe, even in cases of skin penetration. Loose strands, if any, can be easily repaired with a touch of quick set glue.
Making tough, elegant, and ecologically responsible products with a real elegant African flair, jewelry using it is elegantly different. Your pieces should be treated like any other precious jewelry. The hair is even safe in high temperature sonic cleaning baths and solutions. But most times, you can clean it simply with hot water and dishwashing soap (an old toothbrush will help too).
Now you can own such special and rare jewelry pieces knowing you are still doing your part to preserve the wildlife of Africa.
PS Some may even ask why one doesn’t use horse hair, or zebra hair, or whatever. That one is easy. Only elephant hair and giraffe hair have the quality, consistency, strength and durability for quality jewelry.
Giraffe Trivia:
Did you know that giraffes are one of Africa’s few wildlife species that have very few natural predators? Perhaps that is why they will often look you so arrogantly in the eye and not run away. Even hunters have never cherished shooting them! Lions may chase them when they are smaller, but we are sure they would rather feed on a fat zebra than pick the bones of this dinosaur leftover.
Now a question for you: What noise does a giraffe make?
Giraffes are also known as “Tall Blondes” Learn more about giraffes on the web thanks to PBS
Silver and gold and giraffe hair jewelry:
Please explore this site for fine and basic jewelry necklaces, bracelets, pendants and earrings that use giraffe hair alone, or in combination with gold and silver products.